There’s a small group of ignorant people (in the U.S.) who cannot see the benefits of diversity. There are a large number of people, regardless of their ethnicity, who recognize the value of diversity. Then there are those who are on the fence. This article is especially for those who are on the fence. Unfortunately, most of those who are ignorant got that way by being closed-minded. Therefore, I do not expect this article to change them.
I use the word ethnicity and not race because race has many negative meanings attached to it that I find offensive.
Here are seven ways diversity benefits you!
1. Health
If ethnic group A has poor eyesight but a strong resistance to cancer and they mix romantically with ethnic group B that has good eyesight but a higher rate of cancer, it is probable that some of their children will acquire the desirable genes of the other. As this happens in later generations between these two groups, more of the children will acquire the good genes that provide good eyesight and lower rates of cancer.
If the romantic mixing happens on a wider scale with many ethnic groups over many generations as it has in ethnically diverse and “open” societies like the United States, it is likely that the population will become more and more resistant to disease and physical shortcomings — yes including those. 🙂
Therefore, ethnic diversity produces genetic diversity, which produces stronger human beings. It’s easy to see. Along with technical and medical advances, which genetic mixing also contributes to in the form of intelligence and innovation, we are living higher quality and longer lives.
A good of example of the disadvantage of genetic purity is the Cheetah. Because its genetic profile is so narrow, it has a stronger likelihood of becoming extinct than other animals.
Finally, romantic ethnic mixing or that attraction to people who look different from us is a natural instinct that strengthens our species. This does not mean that couples from different ethnicities have little in common in personality and values. As with all romantic relationships, the greater number of important similarities the more compatible they are.
2. Attraction
Can you imagine living in a country where everyone looks and acts the same! How boring would that be? Strong sexual attraction would be hindered. Japan is a good example of this.
I am going to use Japan as an example frequently because I have visited several cities there. Let me point out that I think Japan and its people are nice and I love their traditions of loyalty, courtesy, and cleanliness. I felt more comfortable and safe in Japan than most any other country I’ve ever visited.
Japan is one of the most homogeneous countries in the world. Something like 98% of the population is Japanese. I read somewhere recently that Japanese couples have a low frequency of sex. This did not surprise me.
I have blond hair, but I am strongly attracted to women with dark hair — like Japanese and other Asian women. 🙂 Where does that come from? It is a way of ensuring that our species continues. And it’s a lot more interesting and fun.
The 21 Century has seen more romantic ethnic mixing than ever. As we have become more tolerant and now appreciative of our ethnic differences, we have seen more so-called “mixed” marriages. Even the use of the words “mixed marriage” is fading away.
So the greater the ethnic diversity in a particular place, the greater the “variety” of partners there are. And few things ignite attraction more than variety. It’s an aphrodisiac. Differences are attracting, exciting, and intoxicating.
In countries like the U.S. where diversity has existed for many generations, it is likely that the more recent generations have at least a few genes of most of the other ethnicities. Supremacist believers of any ethnicity have already joined the world family whether they know it or not. To hate other ethnicities then is to hate a part of yourself.
3. Food
Although it has been many years since I was in Japan, one thing I often noticed was the lack of variety in food. Although there were a few American fast food outlets, most of the restaurants served only Japanese food. The only exception was the restaurants inside the international hotels.
Again, let me point out that I “love” Japanese food. But variety is the spice of life.
When I was touring Japan, I often thought about all the varieties of food that were available back home but not there. From an early age, I regularly ate Mexican food in particular along with Italian, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, and countless others. I cannot imagine living in a country where only one kind of food is available.
Once again, ethnic diversity rewards us. In this area, it’s the wide variety of food choices.
4. Knowledge
Each ethnicity along with its unique culture provides opportunities for learning ways to improve our lives. From the most primitive to the most modern societies, each has valuable knowledge to which others can benefit.
Many of the primitive societies that exist today believe that our “modern” way of life is crazy. This happens while uninformed people in modern societies instantly judge those who live primitively as being uncivilized and crazy for living the way they do.
So who is right? Both of them are. Each society, each culture, and each ethnicity has its own set of unique and valuable knowledge for living well.
If you live in an ethnically diverse country, you have access to this knowledge. And it is naturally disseminated among the population. Therefore, over time, everyone picks up and uses some of this knowledge and the country as a whole benefit greatly from it.
5. Entertainment
While I was touring Japan, I saw every form of traditional Japanese entertainment there was. I found it fascinating and enjoyable. But if that’s all that I had access to I would be bored very quickly.
The Japanese have adopted many musical styles from around the world, but direct access to the originators of this music is limited.
In the United States and other countries where diversity is embraced, we have direct access to a plethora of musical variety for example. Due to direct access and collaborations, some of the music has mixed and evolved into new genres.
The same mixing and evolution have happened in many forms of entertainment and art all due to ethnic diversity. The result once again is… you guess it, variety!
6. Fellowship
Can you imagine being on a planet where everyone looks and behaves exactly the same way? How far could conversations go? How stimulating would conversations be? How enriching would conversations be? Answer: not very.
Ethnic diversity provides abundant, thought-provoking, and knowledge-expanding conversation. This leads to collaboration, friendship, and fellowship. It’s that simple.
7. Strength
What has given the United States the strength to become extraordinarily successful is its ethnic diversity. No doubt about it.
Each culture, each ethnicity, and even each religion has made unique contributions either directly or through collaboration in making the United States so successful. Without ethnic diversity, the United States would be dependent more on imitation than innovation.
Ethnic diversity is a strength. If most Americans would “fully” embrace, appreciate, and even love our mosaic of people from around the world, we could accomplish much more. So far, we’ve only reached (my estimate) level 6 on a scale of 10.
Loving is an act of courage. Hating is an act of cowardice.
The same kind of strength is possible in any country that embraces, appreciates, and loves diversity of ethnicity, culture, and religion.
There is no intelligent reason why we cannot become “one” world family. There is no downside, just benefits.