Making important decisions is very difficult. The hardest part is trying to anticipate what it’s going to be like and how you’re going to feel once the decision is made. The problem is that anticipating how you’re going to feel is nearly impossible.
How many times have you made a decision and once you’re starting to live with it you realize you’ve made the wrong choice? You couldn’t predict any of the feelings you’d have after you were living with the decision.
There is a way to bring your mind and emotions to that place before making the actual decision. Best-selling inspirational author, Alan Cohen, talked about an interesting technique he uses for this purpose during his segment of the free online seminar. The technique is ridiculously simple, but it works. Here it is.
When you’re trying to decide between two choices, you emotionally commit to either one then you flip a coin. Heads might be choice A and tails choice B. Now here’s the key. You observe how you “feel” about the outcome – heads or tails. For example, maybe you’re trying to decide if you should move to a new city. You’ve decided that heads mean you go and tails mean you stay. If you flip the coin, it comes up heads, and you feel bad then maybe it’s the wrong choice to move. If you flip the coin, it comes up tails, and you feel bad, then maybe moving is the right choice. If you flip the coin, it comes up heads, and you feel exhilaration and relief, then maybe moving is the best choice.
Here’s what’s going on. By doing this exercise, you’re taking your mind and emotions to the place where you’d be after your apartment has been rented or your house has been sold. The result of the coin toss simulates how your mind and emotions will react once you’re locked into a decision. It’s at this point when your brain goes to full power in figuring out if it’s the right choice and how to carry it out. Your brain will either signal you to go full steam ahead, abort, or make adjustments.
Try this coin toss technique. It might save you from passing up great opportunities and going forward with choices that are a bad fit for you.