How often do you procrastinate thinking “I’ll do, be, or have that…” whatever? “After I accomplish, become, or acquire…” something? Here’s how you might rethink this self-defeating behavior.
Today I will… Not after I…
- Graduate
- Buy a car
- Turn age?
- Get promoted
- Earn a million
- Save 50 million
- Find a girl/boy friend
- Get married
- Buy a house
- Retire
- ? ~
Starting today I will…
- Love myself
- Be courageous
- Be confident
- Be positive
- Be relaxed
- Be respectful
- Be grateful
- Stay in the present
- Stand by my principles
- Stand my ground
- Stand up for myself
- Express my boundaries
- Ask for what I want
- Go after what I want
- Speak clearly
- Stand erect
- Walk proudly
- Exercise
- Eat healthy
- Meditate
- Enjoy life
What will it be for you? Procrastinate or do? Think or be? Excuses or action?